ARTARM choco-brown Exercise Handle 2ea

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Sold by ARTARM


Various tastes of exercise by hanging knots on bars for utilization, or hanging long or short on cable loops or machine handles.


The key is the cover.

The Choco-Brown Handle is separated into grip and hand cover, and the cover that supports the hands and back changes labor into exercise!

Both the Chocobar Grip and Hand Cover are made of silicone, preventing both palm pain during pulling exercises and finger pain during gripping exercises.


Target training is possible without involvement of the forearm, grip strength, or shoulders, and pulling exercises can be continued even when the arms are completely tired.


When doing shoulder exercises, if you hold the grip with your hands, more force is exerted on your arms than on your shoulders, reducing exercise efficiency, but using a cover on your arms can increase focus on the desired area.


The Hang Grip can be hung on the 'legs' beyond the concept of handles and utilized, helping with training of the inner thigh muscles, glutes, and other lower body or waist muscles depending on the user's strength.


  • Choco-Brown Handle, like power tools that invests the most in grips and protects hands from long-term strong force, is made of 'medical-grade silicone' in an 'oval' shape.
  • Choco-Brown Handle consists of Choco-Bar Grips and Hand Covers. When exercising by combining the grip and cover, it strengthens grip with a thick grip, and when exercising separately, the cover serves as a health strap, making it the first handle where the involvement of the forearm disappears.
  • The Choco-Brown Handle goes beyond the concept of a handle, allowing for exercise even by hanging it on arms or legs.



Create delicious exercise and a healthy life with Choco-Brown Handle that pushes boundaries and provides stimuli beyond expectations, experiencing moments of HEALTHY ARTS together!

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